are one of the easiest flowers to grow successfully in the garden. Plant
bulbs in the fall and even a novice gardener can expect to see beautiful
flowers in the spring!
Tulips are
classified as a perennial flower. This means that a tulip should be
expected to return and bloom year after year. But we all know that this
is not always the case. If tulips are perennials, then why don't they
behave as perennials?
answer is really quite simple. Tulips are native to Eastern Turkey and
the foothills of the Himalayas. They will perennialize best in
conditions that match the cold winters and hot, dry summers of their
native region. In addition, species and botanical tulips perennialize
best. Hybridizing sometimes diminishes a tulip's ability to perennialize,
other times it enhances this ability.
Growers have been able to succeed in places like Holland and the
Skagit Valley by digging their tulips every year and giving them
temperature treatments in the summer months that manipulate the
and somewhat replicate what they would be receiving in their native
region. These treatments have been developed over hundreds of years and
they are still being modified today as new varieties are being
developed. Using this knowledge helps growers to expand their stocks and
grow big bulbs, while the home gardener may have less success.
Understanding Tulips: A further explanation of what happens to
tulips during the growing cycle would help us all to understand tulips
better. To begin with, tulips are planted in the fall and they
immediately start to root. They root slowly in the winter months and are
receiving cold temperatures that stimulate them to sprout in early
spring. (In warmer climates, we artificially give them these cold
temperature treatments in our coolers.) As the temperatures get
warmer, the tulips start to grow rapidly and eventually they bloom. At
this time, the bulb that was planted is totally used up and actually
starts to disintegrate. New bulblets form and start to grow - this
period between blooming and the plant dying is referred to as the
GRAND PERIOD OF GROWTH. This is when the energy flow reverses and
starts to go downward to build new bulbs instead of upward to form
Growers top the tulips about three weeks after blooming for two reasons:
First, they must remove the flowers before the petals fall in the
foliage. If they were to ignore this step, the dropping petals would
cause the tulip plants to rot and die down before the new bulb(s) had a
chance to grow. Topping also removes the seedpod from the plant, which
if left would rob some of the energy that would otherwise go to the new
bulb. Six to eight weeks after removing the blooms, growers usually dig
the tulips and the process of drying, cleaning, grading, and temperature
treating takes place.
When deciding which varieties to raise, growers must evaluate many
qualities of each cultivar. Some of these are color, height,
stem strength, plant structure, whether it forces, disease resistance,
skin quality, how it grows, etc. Growing qualities are very important to
the grower and every variety has different qualities. Some varieties
make many new bulblets for every bulb planted. Others make very few or
even only one bulblet for every bulb planted. Varieties that make many
bulblets are not desirable because they usually don't produce many
saleable bulbs. This is because the energy being received from the plant
is divided into too many bulbs. Others that make few bulblets are not
desirable either because they may yield plenty of saleable bulbs and not
leave enough planting stock to keep the stock going. The grower has to
pick varieties that meet all the other desirable qualities and at the
same time have the growing qualities of producing big bulbs and enough
planting stock to continue the stock.
Experience has taught us that the best varieties for home gardeners are
ones that make fewer bulblets. These bulbs tend to perennialize
better because the energy from each plant goes to fewer bulblets and
these then stand a better chance of growing big and returning year after
year. This is especially true in gardens where growing conditions may
not be as ideal as in a grower's field. Species and botanical tulips
also perennialize well because they are very close to native strains and
have high disease resistance. They are usually smaller and less
spectacular, however.
Other tips are:
Always plant tulips in a well-drained and airy soil. Wet soil
promotes fungus and disease and can even rot bulbs, especially tulip
bulbs. Wet soil can also cause bulbs to drown out which is actually
due to suffocation. Suffocation can also be caused by tight soils that
don't hold much oxygen. Adding compost and coarse sand
to a soil will make it more airy. We recommend raised beds in wetter
areas and suggest that you have at least a 10-inch depth of loose airy
soil. Proper soil drainage is very important when planting bulbs.
Fertilize and water bulbs when planting. Though too much water is not
good, sufficient water at the time of planting is necessary to get
them growing and to ensure the start of a strong root system.
- Plant
tulips about 6 to 8 inches deep (see our planting guide), measuring
from the base of the bulb. If you add mulch after planting, include
this as part of your overall planting depth.
- After
the tulips have passed their peak, top the old blooms and let the
plants die down normally. This will help the new bulblets grow bigger.
Fertilizing in the fall with special bulb fertilizer is always a good
idea, especially if you haven't dug your bulbs and are trying to get
them to perennialize.